Thursday, December 24, 2009

I just bought some neutrogena oil removing face wash but I don't want to loose the tan on my face?

Does this face wash remove the tan?I just bought some neutrogena oil removing face wash but I don't want to loose the tan on my face?
The oil on your face will naturally make your face look darker. Just like hair looks darker when it is wet, the same way skin too looks a lit darker when it has some water or oil on it. So after you wash your face with this oil removing cream, for a few hours your face will look cleaner and whiter.

I just thought I would let you know that people with oily skin are actually lucky. It helps the skin remain supple and young for years. When you get older, compared to other people with dry skin, your skin will look much younger and healthier. Avoid using products which are aimed at drying up the natural oils in your skin. Instead of doing that, just take a neutral face wash for normal skin so that the excess oil is washed out. Once you do that get used to dapping some tissue or any kind of absorbant paper on the oily areas of your skin so that the excess oil is soaked.

Aloe vera gels makes for a good face wash and it usually helps balance the amount of oil your sebacious glands secrete.

Remember, oily skin is healthy skin. The oil from your skin will protect it from aging spots and ugly wrinkles.I just bought some neutrogena oil removing face wash but I don't want to loose the tan on my face?
It won't wash you natural tan off but if you get a spray tan, then it probably will. Your natural tan will just fade on its own.
If it has SPF in it you will lose your tan. If not your okay
if you have a natural tan, no.

if you have a spray tan or used some kind of tanning cream, yes.
  • yes loans
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