Sunday, December 20, 2009

Will washing twice a day with Neutrogena oil free acne wash clear my break outs?

After my skin is clear should I continue to use it to prevent new break outs?Will washing twice a day with Neutrogena oil free acne wash clear my break outs?
I would certainly continue the regimen if it works. If it doesn't, you might want to talk to your doctor about a low-dose birth control pill; something like Ortho Tri-Cyclen or Yazmin can be very helpful for women in clearing up acne.Will washing twice a day with Neutrogena oil free acne wash clear my break outs?
Neutrogena and other very inexpensive over the counter face washes will eventually ruin your skin. The products they use to make them aren't high quality. You should probably buy something that's better quality than Neutrogena.

I used Neutrogena for a while and it never worked for me. I find it's worthwhile to pay a bit more now and the better products have worked.

If you have bad skin problems, ask your doctor to prescribe something like spironolactone. They're pills but really work quickly and well.

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